Over the years, in my search for the perfect checkbook accounting application on the Mac, I have tried innumerable other products including no few that are no longer on the market. But in the end I always come back to MoneyDance as offering the most comprehensive feature set, and being the easiest to use. Unlike some of the competition MoneyDance limits itself to what it dos best without the added feature bloat of non-financial and seldom used features such as home inventory.
The changes in this latest update are not immediately noticeable, which is good because that means a) there was nothing major to fix and b) there were no surprises and everything continues to work well. That does not mean this update is not worth installing any security improvements are always worth installing. I received a phone call from my bank the other day warning me that I had to upgrade to the latest version of Quicken or risk losing compatibility with their online system. When I told them I used MoneyDance the caller commented, “MoneyDance is a good application and you should have no problems from our end.” Enough said.
joemikeb about Moneydance 2024